Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jumping In The Deep End ... (with floaties attached!)

Ok... so I have been debating on just how to launch myself into the designing slash digi world, as opposed to stalking my favorite designers and blogs.

I am still a little too shy (and perfectionistic) about showing my layouts (which I may add, are getting much better - I just needed to relax and use the alt +ctrl + Z without shame or regret.  I realise now that if I make a mistake (and most of the tutorials are geared for PSE users, so I do feel a little bit alone on a sea of bobbing waves sometimes!) I can just undo and pretend it never happened. You must not be proud, as I have learnt that by making mistakes, you also make new discoveries - actually scrapping is much better for my confidence than endless sorting and organizing.  It is going to be more balanced from now on.
Part of my resolve of actually "doing" the fun arty stuff would be to join a designer's team.  I'm a born chatterbox and I happen to have a wonderful addiction to networking, spreading warm fuzzies and when asked or required giving my feedback or opinion. I pride myself on not being overly gung-ho about just one of those traits, but a nice blend of social activity that is neither dull or dainty.    Do YOU think I could be on a promo team?  Idea -  You may wish to apply yourself ? There is heaps of positions and I just love her designs!

Ok, off to send an email, cross everything for meeeeeeeeeeeee.

Miss Renee

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