If you are conserving space on your computer, you may wish to sit out this round of
freebs - but by all means delete what you can (that is not scrap related) to get more, that's what I do. The boyfriend is so onto me, I am surruptiously deleting his never watched comedy videos (hello - you tube will do nicely?) it's so tempting.. But I digress..
If you have considerable bandwith and hard drive space you will want to check out the Monthly Blog Trains. The Big Momma one has not even come yet - so choose wisely.
In my opinion, not all blog trains are created equal, however I do think a beautiful colour swatch and theme helps the cause significantly. Case in point, the Stuff To Scrap Blogtrain. I really don't like the colours for this one, but you might and the designers have done interesting takes on the palette. Should I highlight the ones I downloaded or just post the list? Hmm. Ok, I will post the entire list as a Blog train is a community effort
and all these designers deserve to get some bloggy traffic and potential sales..
I must say that the STS store freebies are bloody brilliant. I mean it, go get them.
Oh so much to teach you about auto-logins and cloud storage, wherever will I get
time, the stream of freebies is forever flowing.
Ok, focus. (that's to me, not you) I just went and did this... so should you.
Qty. | Products | Total |
1 ea. | Tooth Tales Add-On-S4H/S4O | $0.00 |
1 ea. | Tooth Tales Quick Page | $0.00 |
1 ea. | Costumed Cuties the Add-On- S4H/S4O | $0.00 |
1 ea. | Nightingale freebie add-oon | $0.00 |
1 ea. | Gleefully Wicked Freebie (October UIOLI) | $0.00 |
1 ea. | Birthday Girl
| $2.71 |
1 ea. | Feelin' Shabby Word Art Freebie
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