Saturday, October 23, 2010

Attack of The Sads

Hi there :)

I'm posting here a little late, because I've been having some heartachey woes and even freebies could not cheer me (it was THAT bad) I'm bipolar and have bad days, weeks sometimes even months. I'm hoping to provide myself with a creative outlet with my scrapping to help process some of the traumatic things in my past and also the ongoing challenges of this disease.

I'm sure in time, I'll let you know all about me -but for now, I just keep it lightish.
I am doing layouts this weekend - notice I am just telling myself to do it.
My partner has gotten Swine flu, and playing nurse after playing nurse for a broken foot is really hard on both of us, he is grumpy and I am emotionally frustrated - my partner in crime is out of action and cuddles could be so nice right now, but they are not allowed.
So, I thought I should try again to go freebie hunting, and so I did..

Captivated Visions give great freebies don't they - oh the clusture elements- great quality.
Check the last few posts, I also got a freebie called The Thinker - but I'll be darned if I can get the link to the blog, and I must link to that of course.

A high quality string bow element (CU) Small freebies are still excellent when the quality is high.
*The tracy reed love affair continues - freaking 12 BB page album in a thanksgiving theme.
Tracy Reed is well on her way to recieving the hallowed Freebie Queen of the Year Crown.. oh yes, there will be judging and glittery presents.

A funky little template for you - it has my favorite trend at the moment, underlayers :)
Kendall is bestowing us with yet another awesome QP - halloween themed of course!

I trust you all got the DARLING little smoke puff alpha from the always fab Kristen @ Digi delights? It's so cute and so obvious really, but I have seen no one do such an alpha!

This is so fun, I adore these cute toon like elements in the latest halloween kits - I am a sucker for a good doodle. Goodness!   That just sounds so wrong, lol!  You know what I mean! It's great designing so be sure to leave the designer a note of thanks, it is very important we give back our appreciation to those artists who choose to give to us, it only takes a few minutes, much shorter than making this kit I imagine :) Just sayin folks!

And lastly, for those who like photoshop styles like I do (not to mention fonts, actions and textures which I also covet - but I have a problem, lol)
Three lots of halloween glitter styles -woo hoo!  Thanks for that Pinky!

I'll be back with more over the weekend and some more chats.. still feeling a little sad so best try meditation to just "be" and see if that helps a little. Don't laugh, I am a desperate woman. I am off to ommmmm!

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