Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Freebie Fan Club Top Ten Links (Updated Weekly)

Today we have published our first Top Ten Rated Freebie Hunter Essential Sites and I wish to explain how this exciting and valuable little list of destinations should deliver you the very best freebies that are on offer on the Internet that week - all in one little column and no direct links of course, only to the blogs themselves.
Hunting is part of the fun and also visiting the actual freebie giver and clicking their links provides them with valuable information on what freebies are popular and also a chance for us to comment our thank yous and keep updated with all of our favorite designers.

Over time I intend to interview and delve more into my personal selection process and what each directory specialises in and where the timed freebies are and what materials they are made from.  Personally, you will find that I will generally publish what I only consider to be the best handpicked or directories.  Sometimes, like this week CraftCrave will be number one (that is a directory - your portal to literally thousands of freebies, tutorials and even blogger and crafting supplies - I check this every day without fail.)

 But, it is only number one for sheer numbers of good freebies in a week, meaning you need it this week as the freebies are spread long and far.
Suzie Q (check out her other super blog - this woman is amazing!) I swear her taste and mine are of one of the same - I love her suggestions the best this week. Susie is no doubt a busy lady but she is really spoiling us with nearly three consistent updates a week now - the Freebie Fan Club loves you Suz!!

Yeah, so there is many reasons a link is a certain position, it may be for effort and quality or consistency - I will normally let you know with an article post like this one. Craft Crave is automated in most respects, and has some really comprehensive finds this week - I cannot wait to interview all of them and get the real inside story on how they work and what they look for!

Go on, Tell me your number one essential freeby finder/giver in the comments! 
Our top sites are going to be invited here to have a look around and see what we think!!

 From being a dedicated Freebie hunter myself, I find the links in my sidebar here keeps me abreast of the really sensational items - and also outstanding acts of designer and shopfront generosity.  The links are in order of my personal favorites for that week - some are are well known directories, ongoing promotions or "hand-pickers" that I find are on form and that I am enjoying  (but you must be consistently posting to be in the top 5 ) and if I can be honest - they do a fabulous job.

Due to the proficiency of the existing searchers and designers, I saw no reason to add yet another blog to the already brillant system, however I did notice there was no actual blog dedicated to a collection of the collectors (figure that one out) nor any one place the designers feedback to freebie hunters could be read and for us to convey our feelings to them. The Freebie Fan Club endeavors to fill this helpful niche, and have lots of fun and comradely discussion on the way!  Please start to spread the word or follow this blog so we can begin to build momentum - I am getting wonderful feedback from both designers and freebie hunters and fans so the future looks very promising.  I just hope I still get time to do some digital scrapping - hee hee!

I may post the occasional blog link or my thoughts on a contest or blog I feel is doing something new, amazing or just useful to let people know about.  But in terms of everyday posting a list of freebies, that is already happening and it is my job to let you know who does it the best and every week, these trends do change.

It does come down to my personal tastes sometimes in my personal recommendations, but I assure you if you do follow all my top ten that week - you will see a wide variety of designer freebies and in some cases they will double up, but that doesn't mean you should not persist with checking all ten - as some engines are focused on particular blog lists and search words I find - for instance CBH Scrapbooking Search Engine is not my first point of call but it is worth a visit as most Paint Shop Pro Designers and new blogs and old blogs can turn up hidden in the pages.  We shall discuss the Search Engines and I am happy to always hear from my readers about a particular handpicker or directory that is doing a good job and reaping interesting finds.
I do have my favorites and I am sure you do too?  As for individual blogs of designers, I will most likely
release a few blogrolls that are specially selected and perhaps a monthly highlight with an appreciation award may be starting soon.

Rather than post a bloated blogroll mishmash of all freebie places, as I have a list of 678 places to find freebies, I would rather we offer you a certain standard of freebie - to be honest, the best criteria sometimes for me to judge is whether I would buy it and also how good quality or useful that element can be.
I will cover this more in a future blog. Time limited freebie hunting is usually the trickiest, and no blog defines the different times or styles. So again, my niche will be to do that.

 I have seen the current digi blogroll and whilst it is amazingly comprehensive - there are a few problems.
Designers do come and go, things happen and sometimes a link will be a dead end.
New ones are popping up every day - and they deserve just as much attention too.
Therefore, it would be just too much information to publish the entire list and the last thing I want to do is to saturate the new digi scrapper with information that may be overwhelming.   There will be surveys and also polls so we can establish what we do prefer when doing the actual Freebie Hunting,  our pet loves and our pet hates.  I will be then able to offer this to the designers and get some more information from them on perhaps why things are the way they are.

More to come on this soon.  For now though, go and have a little look at the Top Ten I have selected for our first week, I promise you won't be disappointed :)   Feel free to comment on your choices and your opinions, as always, in the comments.   The links are on the right of the blog - over here ----------------------->
It will be a changing list every week (to be fair) I do wish to send people to blogs that may not be getting the compliments and feedback they deserve for the freebies offered and so you may be called upon to go and spread some good vibes - after all, we are a community first, and a  freebie hunter second.

Happy Hunting!!

Miss Renee


Unknown said...

Great post! Thank you!

Miss Behaving [badly] said...

Thanks hun! Although it feels weird to blog as if loads of readers are here, I find that if I keep blogging and linking with good content and build simple and fun communities, it normally turns out ok. It's great to just have a chance to meet others too, as the great Kevin Costner says in the Field of Dreams "Build it and they will come!" I am happy just to share my passion and gratitude though, so thanks for joining up and being my cheerleader *squish*

It so helps knowing you are at least writing to someone out in the internets!

Can you do my poll too? Thanks so much xx
I'll be making blinkies (somehow) and stuff too, so we can have a proper freebie hunter society.
I am even drafting up a code of honour for esteemed freebie hunters - so we can really set a standard of appreciation and ettiquette in the freebie world, so we can continue to collect and enjoy the very act of collecting.
